Kripalu Yoga is a gentle and calming Hatha Yoga practice. With its emphasis on compassionate self-acceptance and mindfulness, this style is adaptable to most–perfect for beginners looking to soothe daily aches and pains, yet appropriate for all levels of experience. Intrigued by the jargon? Yvonne teaches the fundamentals of Yoga in a relaxed, supportive, and joyful environment. De-stress and improve mental focus with healthful, guided, breath and meditation techniques. Gently warm-up as you ease into a sequence of postures. Improve your balance, strength, and range of motion with slow stretches and movements. Take home a greater sense of awareness and Yoga’s tools designed to bring ease into your every-day life. Note: Please dress comfortably and bring a Yoga mat. Some chair Yoga instruction is given in this class—all are welcome! NO class 6/30.